Library Policies
How many items may I check out at once?
You may check out up to 10 items but remember that late fees do accrue for each title.
How much money will I owe if I return my books late?
Fines on library books are $.15 per day (does not include weekends or vacation days). Fines must be paid before new items are loaned. Textbooks are due
What happens if I lose a book?
You will be responsible for paying the price to replace the book.
Do I need to have my ID with me if I want to check out books?
Yes, you must have a current Valencia High School I.D.
Can I renew a book?
Yes, you may renew a book once for another three weeks only if no one else has placed a hold on that item.
What should I do with my "library pass" when I come to the library?
Show the pass to a staff member.
Do I need my ID to return books?
No, you do not need your ID to return books or to pay fines.
Can I use the library databases from my home computer?
The library databases can be accessed through the library website and using vhvikings for the User Name and Password.
May I use the library computers to check my e-mail?
Yes, you can check your student email; however, keep in mind many students need the computers to complete schoolwork. If it is a high volume time, your email time may be limited.
Do the library computers have any word processing programs?
Microsoft Office 2010 suite (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Publisher) are loaded on every computer. However, as a Google Apps for Education (GAFE) school, use Google Docs. That way you can access your documents on any device with Internet access.
Can I print in the library?
Yes, black and white cost $.15 per page and color is $.25 per page.
Does the library have a "lost and found"?
Yes, it is located on the table as you enter the library. Items left for more than several days will be sent to the attendance office or counseling office.
You may check out up to 10 items but remember that late fees do accrue for each title.
How much money will I owe if I return my books late?
Fines on library books are $.15 per day (does not include weekends or vacation days). Fines must be paid before new items are loaned. Textbooks are due
What happens if I lose a book?
You will be responsible for paying the price to replace the book.
Do I need to have my ID with me if I want to check out books?
Yes, you must have a current Valencia High School I.D.
Can I renew a book?
Yes, you may renew a book once for another three weeks only if no one else has placed a hold on that item.
What should I do with my "library pass" when I come to the library?
Show the pass to a staff member.
Do I need my ID to return books?
No, you do not need your ID to return books or to pay fines.
Can I use the library databases from my home computer?
The library databases can be accessed through the library website and using vhvikings for the User Name and Password.
May I use the library computers to check my e-mail?
Yes, you can check your student email; however, keep in mind many students need the computers to complete schoolwork. If it is a high volume time, your email time may be limited.
Do the library computers have any word processing programs?
Microsoft Office 2010 suite (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Publisher) are loaded on every computer. However, as a Google Apps for Education (GAFE) school, use Google Docs. That way you can access your documents on any device with Internet access.
Can I print in the library?
Yes, black and white cost $.15 per page and color is $.25 per page.
Does the library have a "lost and found"?
Yes, it is located on the table as you enter the library. Items left for more than several days will be sent to the attendance office or counseling office.